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Olimp — this is
  • Comfortable restaurant «Tanais»

    in which only organic products

  • Hotel «Olimp»

    We always have hot water!

Virtual tour


Up-to date SPA is an area on the first floor of hotel “Olymp”. It is a functional hotel room that contains a sauna for lovers of high temperatures and dry steam and a Turkish bath – for those who like wet, strong steam.

Being in the SPA helps to forget about time and worries and to refill the balance of your vital forces, helps to focus on pleasure and relax.

Beside the swimming pool with cool water that gives our customers a fit of energy after a steam room they can visit a recreation room where one can find a large bed and a recreation area.

Widescreen plasma, expand package of satellite TV and free Internet won’t let you be bored. SPA room is a great place for a celebration or watching some sport event among friends. At the same time SPA can be used by 12 persons. Well-qualified staff of hotel “Olymp” will deliver any menu unit from our restaurant to SPA-room.

You can visit SPA anytime you like and not care about necessary things – you will get a set of towels, a cosmetic suit, a bathrobe and slippers if you book the room in advance by the phone 8(47364) 9-2222.

It is possible to rent SPA room on an hour basis.